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Peaceful Parenting Classes

Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) -
Fall 2024

Instructor: Erin Miller, Certified Community Health Worker

Open to parents/caregivers of children of ANY age

A FREE weekly class focusing on stress reduction, positive parenting techniques, and fellowship among parents. This class will offer six weeks of the Love in Logic curriculum and six weeks of the

Learning to Breathe curriculum. Each class has independent registration.

  • Love and Logic: Love and Logic is a parenting series based on practical solutions to the everyday challenges of parenting. You will learn how to reduce anger and increase empathy when responding to misbehavior which will increase your child’s ability to learn from his/her mistakes and leads to better behavior. You will also learn: how to set and enforce limits, how to end whining and arguing, tips for handling misbehavior in public, a plan to end bedtime battles, and so much more!
  • Learning to Breathe: Learning to BREATHE is a mindfulness-based curriculum created for classroom or group settings. Mindfulness is the practice of becoming aware of one’s present-moment experience with compassion and openness as a basis for wise action. This curriculum is intended to strengthen attention and emotion regulation, cultivate wholesome emotions like gratitude and compassion, expand the repertoire of stress management skills, and help participants integrate mindfulness into daily life.

Childcare is provided for each session, pre-registration is required.

All are welcome, but if you have health insurance, we ask that you bring your card. You will not be billed for this service.

Presented by: WellShare in cooperation with New Ulm ECFE and Ivy House

Session-1 - Love and Logic

  Erin Melissa Miller

  Sibling Care Offered

Washington Learning Center : Multiple Rooms
Mondays, Sep 9 - Oct 14
6:00 - 7:30 PM


Already started

$ 0.00
Session-2 - Learning to Breathe

  Erin Melissa Miller

  Sibling Care Offered

Washington Learning Center : Multiple Rooms
Mondays, Oct 28 - Dec 9
6:00 - 7:00 PM


$ 0.00